How safe are you? Really?

You wouldn’t give a perfect stranger, that you meet on the street, your personal mobile number and address would you?  Or stand up in front of a school assembly and share your deepest secrets?  Or wear revealing clothes to a job interview?  But do you do these things online in social media settings?  Well then, you are basically doing everything above that you said you wouldn’t.

Did you know that employers these days will often Google a person’s name on the internet before hiring or giving them an interview?  Try Googling your name some time and see what comes up, it might startle you to realise what is open to the public on yourself. The internet is not an innocent playground where everyone is safe to do and say what they want, it is a great resource to be used with eyes wide open and blinkers on.  So what are the most important things for you to remember when online, in order to protect your reputation?  My top ten tips are below:

  1. If you wouldn’t say it to your boss, (should you be employed) then don’t say it
  2. If you wouldn’t show it to your boss, then don’t show it
  3. Be who you really are, not who society says you should be
  4. Treat others the way you want to be treated
  5. Do not get involved in or start bullying others online
  6. Don’t express an opinion which could lead to an argument
  7. Do not share and personal information with people you do not personally know and trust
  8. Do not post something you want to delete because it does not get completely deleted
  9. Do not lie, it will catch you out
  10. Refer to the below image